In this blog we are going to discuss the deal from the perspective of all three countries:
From Iran's Perspective
The Iran-Saudi Arabia deal that was announced last Friday was a deal which brokered by China to restore relative between the two countries. this deal on restoring ties was a good news for the Iranian government, which has faced a daunting array of challenges in early 2023 and before as well for its human rights record, controversial nuclear program and support Russia's war in Ukraine. So, it was seen a diplomatic victory for Tehran both the countries has been involved in a proxy war in Yemen and Syria. In Yemen, Iran has armed and aided the Houthis, while the Saudi military launched an air war in 2015 to prevent a complete rebels. Now Iran has agreed to stop arming the Houthis, although it was not including in the joint statement by Iran, Saudi Arabia and China. President of Iran Ebrahim Raisi visited China in February 2023, during the talks with Chinese leader Xi Jinping, "Constructive ideas for region were discussed and now they bear fruit "twitted by Mohammed Jamshid Raisi's deputy chief of staff for political affair on march to this visit was the first formal state visit to Beijing in more than 20 years. The agreement also may yield some domestic reprieve. Both countries affirmed their respect for the "Sovereignty of State" and 'non-interference in internal matters' The agreement was also a welcome
economic boost, at least in the short run. After the death of Mahasa Amini in police detention in Sep 2022 which caused nation wide protests and march 2023, the Rial had lost about half of its value against the US dollar from Saudi's perspective.
From Saudi Arabia's perspective
The involvement of China in the deal is a sign of ongoing change in global dynamics. the Saudi and other middle east countries feel confident in the security guarantee of the US as critical infrastructure of Saudi and UAE has been attacked several times while the united states has been seen as recalibrating its role in the region. So, the Saudi's believe that rather than buying expensive US weapons, they could use the influence of China and Russia over Iran to bolster their security. China provides Saudi Arabia an alternative other the US as they have huge leverage ore Iran and China's involvement is yet another single that Saudi Arabia is serious about divesifying.
From China's perspective
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