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Can Donald Trump be arrested?

 What are the charges against Trump?

Trump currently faces four investigations that come with potential charges :- Interfering with transfer of power and his role during the January 6 attack on the Capitol Hill, the mishandling of classified documents found at the Florida home, interfering with the 2020 elections results in Georgia and a 2016 hush money payment to film

 star Stormy Daniels to cover up an alleged affair. This incident of the hush money payment is in news as recently, Trump has been invited to a Manhattan grand jury. This move is being seen as a sign that Trump could soon face criminal charges related to allegations that he paid hush money to Stephaine Clifford, the film star also known as Stormy Daniels who claimed to have had an affair with him in 2006. Such an action, if occur would be extraordinary. This would make Trump the first former president in U.S. history to be indicated. Trump's team, including his then lawyer Michael Cohen, reportedly paid Daniels $130,000 to keep quiet during the 2016 presidential campaign. However, the payment was recorded as legal fees, which prosecutors claim amounts to falsifying business records and may violate campaign finance law.

Can he run for the President?

Yes, he can run for president. Fortunately for him, there's nothing in the constitution prohibiting candidates with criminal records from holding office. In fact, an individual only has to be at least 35 years old and be a natural born citizen who has lived in the country for at least 14 years to hold the presidency. Section 3 of the 14th amendment prevents a person from holding office, the presidency along with other government positions- if they've engaged in an

 insurrection or rebellion against the United States, but even that can be overcome with a two-third vote from congress. If he were to be indicted, it could potentially aid him by compounding support from his loyal followers, who may see it as evidence of his "war with the swamp". Trump himself predicted on his social media site Truth Social that he'll be arrested Tuesday and called on his supporters to protest ahead of a possible indictment by the grand jury hearing evidence in the case.

Can Trump get arrested and if yes, then what will happen?

Yes, their is possibility that he will get arrested. If he will be taken in custody, then they will make him do a 'prep walk' which is very humiliating. He will undergo the same process as any other person who is charged with a crime. As Trump is a former President he is given the security of the secret service. He would be arrested only if he refused to surrender. Trump's lawyer have previously said he would follow normal procedure, meaning he would likely agree to surrender at a New York Police Department precinct or directly to Bragg's Office

It is a ongoing issue so whatever happens, I will keep you guys updated.


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